Well, on the bright side, Cardio Recovery is a breeze after having pushed through MAX Recovery for a month. However, it was still easy to challenge myself. This time around I'm able to have better form, and sit deeper into the squat & lunge pulses, whereas two months ago I could just barely get through them without collapsing. It's pretty encouraging to see how much I've improved. I also did Cardio Abs; I would have done Insane Abs but my core was still a little soar from doing it on Wednesday. Plus I was a little pressed for time. I've come to the realization that there really is no better feeling than having soar abs : ).
I haven't had dinner yet so I can't really post my diet for the entire day, but here's what I got so far. OH - also, I got my Shakeology today...so happy : ). I'm going to try Greenberry for the first time tomorrow, I'll be sure to let you all know how that goes.
Breakfast: Casein protein shake w/1tbs instant coffee
Lunch: Veggie burger patty (190cals) w/1 wedge Laughing Cow Cheese (35cals). Don't bash veggie burgers before you try them!! I buy mine at Costco, they are chipoltle flavored and have like 10grams of protein, and they are DELISH. And the best part about them is they only take 45 seconds to prepare : ).
Snacks: Almonds, apple, protein bar
Tip of the Day: Write down everything you eat. Like, everything. Determine your appropriate daily calorie limit, and track! I purchased an iPhone app called 'Lose It' and it has helped me immensely. Every time I eat, I search for what it was, select it, and it adds the calories to your daily log, and tells you how many calories you can eat that day (or how many you are over). You can also create your own food if it's not already in the database. But, if you don't have an iPhone, just suck it up and use good old fashioned pen & paper : ). There are also several free online calorie trackers you can use, just remember to log *everything* you eat.http://www.my-calorie-counter.com/http://caloriecount.about.com/