About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Megan Hale, and I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. These products have truly transformed my health and given me the body I've always wanted, and I'm here to help you achieve the same. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an email!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 9 Round 2: Pure Cardio & Insane Abs

I got my 'I earned it' Insanity T shirt today, pretty stoked about it : ). It's actually soft and comfortable, and for being free, that's not bad. I've never been so proud to wear a plain old cotton T-shirt in my life!!

I was actually supposed to have Cardio Recovery today, but I wanted to work out with Robert so I just decided to do Pure Cardio. Then I convinced him to do Insane Abs instead of Cardio Abs : ). I freaking love Insane Abs. Probably because core work is the only thing I'm really good at. Anyway, Pure Cardio was still just as hard as it was before, because I really pushed myself. And it's still one of my favorite work outs. My arms just about gave out in the middle of Push-Up Jacks, I think it has something to do with Upper Body Weight Training yesterday. But I'm determined to have a stronger upper body before month 2! Well seeing as how it's 2:30am and I am probably not making any sense I'm going to cut this post short.

170 - Protein bar (NuGo)
145 - Flax Bread w/Swiss Cheese
78 - Egg, hard broiled
77 - Apple
70 - Baby carrots
170 - Protein bar (NuGo)
180 - Shakeology w/Almond Milk
78 - Egg, hard broiled
140 - Protein bar (South Beach)
225 - Veggie Patty w/Swiss Cheese
50 - Spinach salad w/bell pepper
180 - Shakeology w/Almond Milk
1563 - Total
1585 - Budget
22 - Under

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