About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Megan Hale, and I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. These products have truly transformed my health and given me the body I've always wanted, and I'm here to help you achieve the same. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an email!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 2 Round 2: Cardio Power & Resistance

WOO-HOO! Round II is here!! I had a nice week off after my last day of Round I, but it feels so good to get back into the Insane swing of things : ). I missed it. For those of you who might be curious about what exactly I did on my week off in terms of exercise, here you go. I ran 3-6 miles every other day, with a little Cardio Abs thrown into the mix. I really wanted to let my muscles recover, and just enjoy the mental break. Turns out, the 'mental break' kind of made me crazy. I hated not having the feeling of knowing that I worked my ass off that day, and knowing that my body was changing shape. If you are wondering what you should do during your recovery week, my best advice would be to listen to your body. However, I wouldn't advise anything super intense.

But anyway...back to Round II. I decided to start from the very beginning instead of jumping right back into month two, because I feel that I can still push myself harder and get the absolute most out of the month 1 work outs. And I was right. Even though they are considerably less painful than they were two months ago, I can still push myself harder, and feel just as challenged as I was before. That's the beauty about Insanity...you can take things at your own pace, and I truly believe that none of the exercises will become 'easy' if you are pushing yourself to the max. You can always strive to be faster, jump higher, squat deeper, etc.

My diet today was kind of messed up...I was exceptionally lazy and didn't feel like eating unless it took less than 5 seconds to prepare. I'm also stuck in that frightening time of the month when I'm in between Shakeology orders. I'm not perfect, so don't follow my diet to the T! I just wanted to give you an honest representation of what I'm eating, and what kind of results it's producing. If you want to follow something verbatim, follow the Elite Nutrition Guide : ). Nevertheless...I promised honesty, so here 'goes:

Breakfast: Casein protein shake w/strawberries & pistachios (sounds gross but IT'S SO GOOD!)
Lunch: Protein bar
Dinner: Exact same thing as breakfast.

Tip of the Day: If possible, work out in front of a mirror, and write a short-term physical goal on it with a dry-erase marker. Not only will this keep you motivated, but it will more importantly allow you to correct your form. I just have one of those cheap full-length mirrors and I brought it out into the living room. Hey, it works!

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