It seems to be a common trend in America today to look good no matter what the cost. We impulsively resort to 'quick-fixes', completely disregarding the permanent damage they have on our bodies. Crash diets, diet pills, artificial/souped up protein powders, plastic surgery, eating disorders, and God knows what long as it seems 'easy & quick', we're all over it. I'm sure every one of you has at one point in time been affected by this, so I thought I would share my story on the matter and how I came to realize that health should be prioritized before the way you look, not the other way around. Once you do this, I promise, it will pay off, in more ways than one. I hope that by sharing my experiences you can learn from my mistakes, and save yourself a LOT of wasted time, and more importantly, save your body from having to undergo the strain of unhealthy eating/exercise habits.
Not too long ago in high school - freshman year of college (actually come to think of it, that was a long time ago), I would do just about anything to be thin, in shape, and beautiful. In fact, I've tried just about every single one of the methods I listed above (minus plastic surgery).
Crash Dieting/Eating Disorders
I started experimenting with crash dieting in high school. I think we've all done it, or all of us women anyway. Before I had *any* understanding of nutrition and the metabolism, I skipped meals, expecting to lose loads of weight because of the restricted caloric intake. And I did, for about a month. What I didn't understand was that I was kicking my body into starvation mode, and that my metabolism would eventually adjust to the change and my weight loss would plateau. And that's exactly what happened. The metabolism is a beautiful, frustrating thing. It's designed to keep us alive and adapt to just about any situation you throw at it, which is why it is SO important to keep it happy...seriously, piss off your metabolism and you can pretty much kiss your weight loss goals goodbye. However, I didn't know this at the time. So I took things a step further, and stopped eating altogether. Biggest mistake of my life. I kid you not. If I could take back one decision in my entire life, it would be that one. The physical, mental, and emotional repercussions of engaging in an eating disorder are so incredibly massive, and they take years, sometimes a lifetime, to repair. Anyway, once I stopped eating it was just a huge downward spiral. Sure, I lost a lot of weight, pretty fast. But once you stop eating for that long, you will gain weight twice as fast because your metabolism has been in starvation mode for so long. You can't just say, "I'm going to be anorexic for a month or two just to get to the weight I want, and then I'll start eating normally," because by that time you've F-ed up your body so bad that it won't burn calories as efficiently as it was before. And this is why eating disorders kill people. Because once you get to that point, you either want to be healthy again and are ready to risk gaining all the weight back to repair your metabolism, or you feel trapped, like gaining weight is the most terrifying thing in the world, and that you have to keep on starving yourself. And by then that is the point you will have come to, starving yourself just to maintain weight. Sound fun? No. So please, spare yourself the pain and frustration, be happy that you have a functioning metabolism that burns the calories that you eat, and if you don't think it's burning them fast enough, then focus on increasing your metabolism through frequent exercise and eating small, healthy amounts often. Avoid putting your body into 'starvation mode' at all costs. Even after just 3 hours without eating your body is forced to store calories as fat instead of burning them, because it does not know when it will get it's next meal. Crash dieting and eating disorders are extremely counter-productive, and they pretty much screw over your metabolism. I struggled with my eating disorder off and on for about 6 years, and my metabolism is just now getting to the point where it can burning calories efficiently.
Diet Pills/Artificial/Souped Up Protein Powders
I think I've pretty well established that a happy metabolism=easier weight loss, right? Ok. Diet Pills=UNHAPPY METABOLISM. Throughout those unfortunate 6 years, I also experimented with these. Who could resist the outrageous claims they make, right? Most of these pills have the same affect on the body as eating disorders do. They may (I stress...*may*) work, but even if they do, it will only be for a short period of time. However, once the metabolism adjusts for to the crap you're putting into your body, your weight loss will plateau and you've just made natural weight loss 10x more difficult, and weight gain 10x easier. So once again, spare yourselves. They do not work, and after a period of time will become counter-productive and actually make you gain weight. 'Artificial/souped up protein powders' do the exact same thing. Products like No-Xplode that increase your heart rate/blood flow are not only extremely dangerous for your heart, but also have the same affect on the metabolism.
Ahh, this is a tough one for me. I'm not really a hardcore partier but I do love having a drink every now and then. And realistically, I probably will have a drink every now and then until the day I die. Moderation is definitely key here. Most people, myself included, drink without thinking of what it's doing to your body. Alcohol is not 'free calories', in fact, it is metabolized exactly the same way as sugar. Additionally, it clogs your liver. Big deal, right? Actually, when your liver is too busy filtering alcohol, it can't effectively filter other toxins/fats, and they will go straight to your gut/hips.
In summary - if something seems to be a 'quick & easy' fix, it's not. It is a long-term detriment to your body, and will only make your weight loss goals harder to reach. Be a purist to your body. Don't do anything that will unnaturally affect your metabolism. And don't be afraid of hard work, because when it comes down to it, that is the only thing that is going to get you long-term results. Your health is priceless, invaluable, and it will be with you for the rest of your life. It's up to you to decide what condition you want it to be in. Pursuing health will not only give you a great body now, but it will enable you to do the things you love to do later in life. Make health your priority, and the nice body will come as a result, permanently!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 30: Core Cardio & Balance
Yep, I'm still here : ). This recovery week has been incredibly nice. I hope my body still remembers how hard it has to work during 'regular' work outs, because month 2 is only three days away. Today when I was putting my hair back in front of the mirror I realized how toned my arms are's awesome! I haven't felt this good about myself in a really long time.
I went running today on top of my work out; I didn't realize how fatigued my muscles really are. They definitely feel stronger, but now I know that I really do need to take a break and let this be 'recovery' week, otherwise I have a feeling I'll have some strong regrets in month 2. I took some time to watch all of the MAX work outs yesterday, just so I could get the form down on the new exercises. Holy goodness!! It looks awesome. I'm excited.
I went running today on top of my work out; I didn't realize how fatigued my muscles really are. They definitely feel stronger, but now I know that I really do need to take a break and let this be 'recovery' week, otherwise I have a feeling I'll have some strong regrets in month 2. I took some time to watch all of the MAX work outs yesterday, just so I could get the form down on the new exercises. Holy goodness!! It looks awesome. I'm excited.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 28: Core Cardio & Balance
RECOVERY WEEK IS HERE...yay! I'm pretty stoked about finishing month one. Today's work out was suuuch a nice break. It's strange to have been giving it 110% and then taking it down to 90%, definitely took some getting used to. Nevertheless, my body is thanking me : ). The only really difficult exercise was the hip flexor burners...or whatever you call them. Anyway, I probably won't post every day this week considering it's the same work out every day. If not, I'll definitely be posting my re-cap of the first day of month 2!
Breakfast: Shakeology + frozen banana & instant coffee blended (soooooo good)
Lunch: Baked Tofu, Flax Crackers & light swiss cheese
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Veggie burger (minus bun) and steamed broccoli & cauliflower
Breakfast: Shakeology + frozen banana & instant coffee blended (soooooo good)
Lunch: Baked Tofu, Flax Crackers & light swiss cheese
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Veggie burger (minus bun) and steamed broccoli & cauliflower
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 27: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
This is probably one of my favorite work outs. I pushed myself much harder than usual because I didn't seem like I was on the brink of exhaustion like I usually do, so I sat deeper into the squat jacks and went much deeper into my push ups. My arms were literally trembling by the end! I've noticed much improvements in the squat type exercises. In the first week I could barely keep up and now it's almost easy (until I decided to sit deeper into them). In & Out Abs and Ski Abs are still EXTREMELY hard. However I was able to do Ski Abs the entire time w/o taking a break, but those damn In & Outs got me on the last circuit. My core could handle it, but my arms just aren't there yet. Anyway, it was my last day of month 1! Yay!! I'm terrified/excited for month 2, and am really curious as to what this 'recovery week' is all about. I have a feeling it's not easy haha.
Tip of the day: Shakeology + Instant Coffee = Best Hangover Cure EVER.
Tip of the day: Shakeology + Instant Coffee = Best Hangover Cure EVER.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Day 26: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
I brought it today! I really focused on contracting my core during each exercise, and sitting even deeper into the squats. I'd say the Pedals exercise is the hardest, the one with the lunges in between. Once again I had to take a quick break during the frog jumps. The exercise itself isn't that hard, I think I lose steam during them because by that time in the circuit my quads are trembling. But I have improved immensely. Oh yeah, today was also my first day with official cross-trainers. DO NOT wait until day 26 to get them! Trust me, your ankles will thank you. Regular running shoes do not support side to side movement like cross-trainers do.
Breakfast: Shakeology
Lunch: Grilled chicken w/steamed broccoli & cauliflower
Snack: Flax crackers & light swiss cheese
Dinner: Veggie burger (minus the bun)
Snack: Apple & flax crackers
After Workout: Recovery drink
Tip of the day: When you get to the 3d-4th week, you will feel yourself being able to complete the exercises 'easier'. When you get to this point, DIG DEEPER. Sit into the squats deeper, go faster to complete more reps, and really concentrate on contracting your core. The point isn't to get to a point where it is easy. The point is to constantly push yourself to a higher level.
Breakfast: Shakeology
Lunch: Grilled chicken w/steamed broccoli & cauliflower
Snack: Flax crackers & light swiss cheese
Dinner: Veggie burger (minus the bun)
Snack: Apple & flax crackers
After Workout: Recovery drink
Tip of the day: When you get to the 3d-4th week, you will feel yourself being able to complete the exercises 'easier'. When you get to this point, DIG DEEPER. Sit into the squats deeper, go faster to complete more reps, and really concentrate on contracting your core. The point isn't to get to a point where it is easy. The point is to constantly push yourself to a higher level.
Day 25: Cardio Recovery
Ahh, another day of "recovery". Haha. Although the break from intense cardio was nice, those squat and lunge pulses set my muscles on fire every time! I really have to concentrate to get through them. It definitely helps to remember that the pain is sculpting my legs. Well it's going to be a short one tonight, just got back from a night out with the girls and I'm ready for bed.
Tip of the day: If you have to, bite something to get through those pulses! Remember that the burn is good.
Tip of the day: If you have to, bite something to get through those pulses! Remember that the burn is good.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Days 23 & 24: Cardio Power & Resistance and Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Day 24: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Not gonna lie, this work out kicked my ass today...more than usual. I'm not really sure why...I think it's probably because I still haven't caught up on sleep since finals, and my body just hasn't recovered. Sleep is IMPORTANT!!! Anyway, I was ok until about the 2nd set of the drills, during the Ski Abs & In and Out Abs. Not too worried about it though, you'll always have on and off days, you just have to push through no matter what. Definitely looking forward to Cardio Recovery tomorrow, and a loooong night of sleep, finals-free!
Breakfast: Protein Bar
Lunch: Shakeology
Snack: Dried Mangos, Flax Crackers & light swiss cheese (Laughing Cow - 35cals)
Dinner: Baked Tofu
After Workout: Recovery drink
Breakfast: Protein Bar
Lunch: Shakeology
Snack: Dried Mangos, Flax Crackers & light swiss cheese (Laughing Cow - 35cals)
Dinner: Baked Tofu
After Workout: Recovery drink
Tip of the day: Invest in Cross-Trainers. I heard Shaun T give the same advice on the 1st work out and ignored it, thinking my running shoes would suffice. They don't. Running shoes are only built for forward motion, not side to side motion, and unfortunately my ankles have started to pay the price. I'm going to pick up some cross-trainers tomorrow!
Yesterday I was able to work out one more day with Robert before he had to go back to San Diego. I think Cardio Power & Resistance is the 2nd most difficult work out - and I pretty much crushed it last night! only had to stop and take a 5 second brake once. Otherwise I was able to keep up with everyone on the DVD.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Days 20, 21 & 22
Dang, the past few days have been crazy. Robert surprised me and came home for our 1st anniversary on the 16th, smack dab in the middle of finals and extra work shifts. It's sooo good to have him home for a few days! Needless to say I didn't have much time to update my blog. I DID, however, finish Plyometric Cardio Circuit at 3am two nights ago after working on finals non stop. Commitment is key! The next day was my day off, thankfully, because it was when Robert came in. Then tonight we did Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs together. It was his first ever Insanity workout, quite the initiation! He is totally hooked though. It was nice to work out with someone else. It's awesome to remember what I was like on day 1 and see how much I've improved.
Breakfast: Protein bar
Lunch: Shakeology
Snack: Baked Tofu & crackers
Dinner: Chicken Tuscany soup
After workout: Recovery drink
(Didn't eat enough today...not enough time!!)
Tip of the day: Do the workout, NO MATTER WHAT. It's never going to be 100% convenient, you just have to do it anyway.
Breakfast: Protein bar
Lunch: Shakeology
Snack: Baked Tofu & crackers
Dinner: Chicken Tuscany soup
After workout: Recovery drink
(Didn't eat enough today...not enough time!!)
Tip of the day: Do the workout, NO MATTER WHAT. It's never going to be 100% convenient, you just have to do it anyway.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 19: Cardio Power & Resistance
In light of the time change, I didn't get to blog yesterday because after finishing my work out I realized it was 3am. No bueno for finals the next morning. Anyway, Cardio Power & Resistance was great. One of my favorites. I'm really starting to notice improvements! I can do the squat jacks in the warm-up at all 3 intensities without a problem. The only exercise I found myself having to break in was the tricep dips...but considering I haven't worked out that muscle in, I don't know...years...I think I'm doing ok. I'm getting much better at moving push-ups, I can do them in one fluid motion now instead of looking like a malfunctioning robot. And the jumps...ah, what's the name...the jumps you do in the beginning...I've noticed a lot of improvement there as well. I can get higher off the ground with much less effort.
Results-wise, my jeans are getting looser quick. I'm loving it, but if I have to buy a new pair of Sevens I'm going to be pissed!! I also noticed today when I was putting my hair back that I have biceps! Amazing. All in all, I love this workout. I never have to doubt if I'm going to get results.
Tip of the day: Throw away the scale. They're for anorexics. But no, really, the scale is just NOT an accurate way to gauge your success/results. I haven't weighed myself in years, because a) your body weight fluctuates on a daily basis, and b) muscle weighs more than fat. So if I stay the same weight, but all my fat turns into muscle and I lose inches, I will be completely content! I would recommend measuring yourself instead. Or, if you have access to it, measure your body fat percentage. Unless you're a wrestler or a model, throw the damn scale away.
Results-wise, my jeans are getting looser quick. I'm loving it, but if I have to buy a new pair of Sevens I'm going to be pissed!! I also noticed today when I was putting my hair back that I have biceps! Amazing. All in all, I love this workout. I never have to doubt if I'm going to get results.
Tip of the day: Throw away the scale. They're for anorexics. But no, really, the scale is just NOT an accurate way to gauge your success/results. I haven't weighed myself in years, because a) your body weight fluctuates on a daily basis, and b) muscle weighs more than fat. So if I stay the same weight, but all my fat turns into muscle and I lose inches, I will be completely content! I would recommend measuring yourself instead. Or, if you have access to it, measure your body fat percentage. Unless you're a wrestler or a model, throw the damn scale away.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Days 17 & 18: Pure Cardio, Cardio Abs, and Cardio Recovery
I just barely squeezed in my work out yesterday in between class and work. I really think Pure Cardio is my favorite Insanity work-out so far. Probably because my cardio is in much better shape than my muscles are, and because I'm somewhat of a cardio freak : ). I was able to keep up until those damn frog jumps...then I had to stop for a second and shake my legs out because my quads were burning so bad. Then I jumped right back into it. I'm really starting to love push-up jacks, probably because I never fathomed being able to do such an exercise haha. I can really notice my endurance improving, and that's super motivating! I love how awesome I feel after a workout...tired but energized at the same time. Then I had to go to work and show someone how to use the equipment for the first time at the gym...needless to say I was pretty tired by the end of the day.
...Did I mention that I LOVE Cardio Abs? The fact that you never have to do a single crunch is ingenious. And the exercises Shaun has you do target your abs way better than Ab Ribber X in P90X.
And now today I'll get a nice break and do Cardio Recovery. NOT. A lot of people like Cardio Recovery, but I absolutely hate it!! I mean, I love it and hate it at the same time. It is a nice break from all the jumping, but I'd honestly rather jump than do squat pulses. That burn is intense. But I know it's really good for my muscles, and my joints as well, being able to take a break from plyo for a day.
And yep...I still love Shakeology. Just finished one for breakfast (yes, breakfast at was a long week and and even longer night, ok??). It's great to be able to satisfy my chocolate fix (which I never eat) and be eating my healthiest meal of the day at the same time. My favorite recipe so far is just a frozen banana, 1 scoop, milk, and once it's all blended cut up frozen strawberries and mix them in with a spoon...soooo yummy. Well, I'm off to start 3 final projects that I should have started 4 months ago. Wish me luck!!
Tip of the day: If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't look at the 60-day calendar, or even the time remaining on the screen. Take 1 second at a time. Just say to yourself...1 or 5 more seconds...not '40 more minutes'. This has helped me push through when my muscles were telling me no.
...Did I mention that I LOVE Cardio Abs? The fact that you never have to do a single crunch is ingenious. And the exercises Shaun has you do target your abs way better than Ab Ribber X in P90X.
And now today I'll get a nice break and do Cardio Recovery. NOT. A lot of people like Cardio Recovery, but I absolutely hate it!! I mean, I love it and hate it at the same time. It is a nice break from all the jumping, but I'd honestly rather jump than do squat pulses. That burn is intense. But I know it's really good for my muscles, and my joints as well, being able to take a break from plyo for a day.
And yep...I still love Shakeology. Just finished one for breakfast (yes, breakfast at was a long week and and even longer night, ok??). It's great to be able to satisfy my chocolate fix (which I never eat) and be eating my healthiest meal of the day at the same time. My favorite recipe so far is just a frozen banana, 1 scoop, milk, and once it's all blended cut up frozen strawberries and mix them in with a spoon...soooo yummy. Well, I'm off to start 3 final projects that I should have started 4 months ago. Wish me luck!!
Tip of the day: If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't look at the 60-day calendar, or even the time remaining on the screen. Take 1 second at a time. Just say to yourself...1 or 5 more seconds...not '40 more minutes'. This has helped me push through when my muscles were telling me no.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 16: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Wow, I am whooped! Today was just one of those days that I did not have any motivation. But if you wanna get results, you just have to push through. Some days I'm going to be pumped, and some days I'm not.
I can definitely feel myself improving on the Plyometric Cardio Circuit. The ski abs and in & outs are still hard as hell, but I'm pretty sure they always will be haha. My upper body strength is improving considerably...I can actually do the 4 push-ups during the drills now. Toward the 3d set I'm still struggling to finish ski-abs and in & outs, but I'm improving a ton.
I ordered my P90X recovery formula last week, hopefully it will get here soon. I know my muscles will love me for it! I was also amazed at how filling Shakeology was. 1 shake for breakfast kept me full well into lunch time.
Tip of the day: Even if you're not motivated, that's ok. You're still going to feel a ton better after you do it, physically & mentally. Consistency is key!
Breakfast: Shakeology w/banana & strawberries
Lunch: Chicken noodle soup (running out of food)
Snack: Handful of peanuts and fat free string cheese
Dinner: Ground turkey patty w/1/2 avocado & carrots
I can definitely feel myself improving on the Plyometric Cardio Circuit. The ski abs and in & outs are still hard as hell, but I'm pretty sure they always will be haha. My upper body strength is improving considerably...I can actually do the 4 push-ups during the drills now. Toward the 3d set I'm still struggling to finish ski-abs and in & outs, but I'm improving a ton.
I ordered my P90X recovery formula last week, hopefully it will get here soon. I know my muscles will love me for it! I was also amazed at how filling Shakeology was. 1 shake for breakfast kept me full well into lunch time.
Tip of the day: Even if you're not motivated, that's ok. You're still going to feel a ton better after you do it, physically & mentally. Consistency is key!
Breakfast: Shakeology w/banana & strawberries
Lunch: Chicken noodle soup (running out of food)
Snack: Handful of peanuts and fat free string cheese
Dinner: Ground turkey patty w/1/2 avocado & carrots
Why Shakeology.
Before I start, please take some time to watch the Shakeology videos below.

(click to view larger)
Most of you know that healthy food is expensive. And whether or not you're doing a work-out as extreme as INSANITY or not even working out at all, you need healthy food in order to lose weight. If you aren't eating a variety of healthy foods, your body isn't going to be as efficient at burning fat. That's what I love about Shakeology. It gives me all of the nutrients I need to stay energized for my daily work out, and it helps me lose weight at the same time. And I don't have to go to the store and spend $30 a day on over priced health food! Not to mention, it's DELICIOUS. And I can take it anywhere, thanks to the individual packets. I used to have to spend $4 for an unhealthy bagel for lunch in between classes, now I just take Shakeology, and I'm saving money, losing weight, getting insanely healthy, and getting the energy I need to keep up with INSANITY. I was also amazed at how filling it was. Usually meal replacement shakes don't really keep you satisfied until your next meal, but I had 1 shake for breakfast, and it's 3pm and I'm still not hungry. The difference is that Shakeology isn't full of empty calories, it's full of 70 different nutrients your body NEEDS.
Before I was a coach, when I saw my first Shakeology video, I was pretty impressed, I must admit. But I just couldn't justify spending $119 for one bag.
Then I realized that each serving comes down to about $3.80 per serving per day, and it's designed to replace 1 meal. I spend about $300 on groceries per month, so that's around $100 per month per meal. So after I broke it down and did the math, I realized that my budget would essentially be the same. And not to mention...there is just no way the $100 worth of groceries I purchased at the store can equal the value of nutrition I get in one bag of Shakeology. Not to mention, I throw down 4 bucks on coffee without even thinking about it. Why not kick the unhealthy habit and spend it on something 1 million times better for me, that will help me lose weight at the same time?

(click to view larger)
Most of you know that healthy food is expensive. And whether or not you're doing a work-out as extreme as INSANITY or not even working out at all, you need healthy food in order to lose weight. If you aren't eating a variety of healthy foods, your body isn't going to be as efficient at burning fat. That's what I love about Shakeology. It gives me all of the nutrients I need to stay energized for my daily work out, and it helps me lose weight at the same time. And I don't have to go to the store and spend $30 a day on over priced health food! Not to mention, it's DELICIOUS. And I can take it anywhere, thanks to the individual packets. I used to have to spend $4 for an unhealthy bagel for lunch in between classes, now I just take Shakeology, and I'm saving money, losing weight, getting insanely healthy, and getting the energy I need to keep up with INSANITY. I was also amazed at how filling it was. Usually meal replacement shakes don't really keep you satisfied until your next meal, but I had 1 shake for breakfast, and it's 3pm and I'm still not hungry. The difference is that Shakeology isn't full of empty calories, it's full of 70 different nutrients your body NEEDS.
Before I was a coach, when I saw my first Shakeology video, I was pretty impressed, I must admit. But I just couldn't justify spending $119 for one bag.
Then I realized that each serving comes down to about $3.80 per serving per day, and it's designed to replace 1 meal. I spend about $300 on groceries per month, so that's around $100 per month per meal. So after I broke it down and did the math, I realized that my budget would essentially be the same. And not to mention...there is just no way the $100 worth of groceries I purchased at the store can equal the value of nutrition I get in one bag of Shakeology. Not to mention, I throw down 4 bucks on coffee without even thinking about it. Why not kick the unhealthy habit and spend it on something 1 million times better for me, that will help me lose weight at the same time?
Day 15 of 60: Second Fit Test
Well, since I'm such an extreme night owl, I'm posting this update at 1:47am : ). After two long critiques I came home from class around 3, ripped open my first bag of Shakeology and LOVED it (will post a full review later), took a nap till 5, then took my 2nd fit test around 6. And let me tell you, I am stoked about the results!! I'm almost even more proud with these results than I am with the results I see on my body. I'm addicted to this stuff, let me tell ya!
Alright, here's what I got : ).
First number=day 1
Second number=day 15
Switch Kicks: 50-80
Power Jacks: 52-65
Power Knees: 93-115
Power Jumps: 50-57
Globe Jumps: 9-11
Suicide Jumps: 18-22
Push-Up Jacks: 15-30
Low-Plank Oblique: 63-79
I must admit I was quite impressed with the 30 push up jacks. I've never had great upper body strength, because I've never really worked on it. The thought of doing a 'push-up' let alone a 'push-up jack' was pretty overwhelming until I started Insanity. I was really just happy to beat all of my previous numbers. I have a feeling I'm going to have one hell of a time beating them during my next fit test! Actually, come to think of it, I probably won't...because I KNOW these next two weeks are going to push me even farther than what I've achieved in the last two weeks, and all I can say is BRING IT ON!!
I'll be posting my full review on Shakeology tomorrow. For now, I've got to get to bed, now that it's past 2am.
Tip of the day: Don't look at your previous numbers during your fit tests. Just push yourself to the MAX, and you're going to surprise yourself, trust me!
Alright, here's what I got : ).
First number=day 1
Second number=day 15
Switch Kicks: 50-80
Power Jacks: 52-65
Power Knees: 93-115
Power Jumps: 50-57
Globe Jumps: 9-11
Suicide Jumps: 18-22
Push-Up Jacks: 15-30
Low-Plank Oblique: 63-79
I must admit I was quite impressed with the 30 push up jacks. I've never had great upper body strength, because I've never really worked on it. The thought of doing a 'push-up' let alone a 'push-up jack' was pretty overwhelming until I started Insanity. I was really just happy to beat all of my previous numbers. I have a feeling I'm going to have one hell of a time beating them during my next fit test! Actually, come to think of it, I probably won't...because I KNOW these next two weeks are going to push me even farther than what I've achieved in the last two weeks, and all I can say is BRING IT ON!!
I'll be posting my full review on Shakeology tomorrow. For now, I've got to get to bed, now that it's past 2am.
Tip of the day: Don't look at your previous numbers during your fit tests. Just push yourself to the MAX, and you're going to surprise yourself, trust me!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Days 1-14
Well, it really seems like these past two weeks have flown by. I can't believe tomorrow I have my second fit test, and that it will be the start of my third week of Insanity! I can't wait to see how much I've improved. I will definitely be posting the results : ).
I'm not gonna lie. The first week was HARD. There were times when my body physically locked up and said "I'm not doing any more." But I just stopped for a second, took a five second break (even the people in the DVD do), and then kept on pushing. I've realized that as long as you are pushing yourself to your personal max, then you are succeeding.
The second week was a little easier (however 'easy' is never a word to describe this workout in the first place), but it was, we'll say, less strenuous. I could tell that my endurance and strength had already improved a little bit. I just had to remember that it's only 40 minutes out of my entire day to push myself to the max! I've become addicted to seeing just how hard and fast I can go. It's all about being your personal best.
I'm not gonna lie. The first week was HARD. There were times when my body physically locked up and said "I'm not doing any more." But I just stopped for a second, took a five second break (even the people in the DVD do), and then kept on pushing. I've realized that as long as you are pushing yourself to your personal max, then you are succeeding.
The second week was a little easier (however 'easy' is never a word to describe this workout in the first place), but it was, we'll say, less strenuous. I could tell that my endurance and strength had already improved a little bit. I just had to remember that it's only 40 minutes out of my entire day to push myself to the max! I've become addicted to seeing just how hard and fast I can go. It's all about being your personal best.
My Insanity Journey Begins!
Hey all!
Well, I've been getting a TON of inquiries about this new fitness program I'm doing, so I thought I would explain it in a note. Three weeks ago I saw that my sister in law Kristine had started this new fitness program called INSANITY. I had absolutely no idea what it was, but I'm not gonna lie, the name had me interested! So I asked her what it was all about on her FB page, and both she and Beachbody Fitness Coach Darren Natoni filled me in. I was informed that it was made by Beachbody, the same company that makes P90X, only Insanity guarantees you will be in the greatest shape of your life in 60 days instead of 90 days due to its intense cardio nature.
I've always been a cardio freak. I've been running religiously for years, but my body reached a plateau and I stopped seeing results altogether. I quit my gym membership a while ago because I just couldn't justify the monthly cost. We were spending about $480 a year, and I wasn't getting the results I wanted. Plus I was just sick of constantly wondering if I was losing or gaining weight...I wanted to KNOW for sure that I was getting in better shape. So I figured that if Insanity can get me into the best shape of my life in 60 days for a one time cost of $119, I might as well give it a try. Another perk that convinced me to do it was the fact that you don't need anything but your own body. No dumbells, resistance bands, or pull-up bars. So I decided I was ready for a challenge and to kick my body into high gear, and get the results I've always wanted, but just never pushed myself hard enough to get. I ordered Insanity off of Darren's site that day. During the week or so that I was patiently waiting for it to arrive on my doorstep, I saw an infomercial for Insanity on TV, and became even more pumped to start. This was the video I saw, in case you're curious : ).
Insanity Success Story
After ripping open the package, this is what I found. 10 discs, a nutrition/meal plan guide, and an Insanity calendar to mark your progress (and let me tell you, you work HARD for those red 'X's!). Not to mention, you get a free fitness profile on, an online community full of people doing the same program you are doing. The message boards have been a great motivator for me. It's great to talk to other people just like me working just as hard. There is also an entire forum dedicated to before/after pictures, which is quite honestly the single-most motivating factor ever!
Well, I've been getting a TON of inquiries about this new fitness program I'm doing, so I thought I would explain it in a note. Three weeks ago I saw that my sister in law Kristine had started this new fitness program called INSANITY. I had absolutely no idea what it was, but I'm not gonna lie, the name had me interested! So I asked her what it was all about on her FB page, and both she and Beachbody Fitness Coach Darren Natoni filled me in. I was informed that it was made by Beachbody, the same company that makes P90X, only Insanity guarantees you will be in the greatest shape of your life in 60 days instead of 90 days due to its intense cardio nature.
I've always been a cardio freak. I've been running religiously for years, but my body reached a plateau and I stopped seeing results altogether. I quit my gym membership a while ago because I just couldn't justify the monthly cost. We were spending about $480 a year, and I wasn't getting the results I wanted. Plus I was just sick of constantly wondering if I was losing or gaining weight...I wanted to KNOW for sure that I was getting in better shape. So I figured that if Insanity can get me into the best shape of my life in 60 days for a one time cost of $119, I might as well give it a try. Another perk that convinced me to do it was the fact that you don't need anything but your own body. No dumbells, resistance bands, or pull-up bars. So I decided I was ready for a challenge and to kick my body into high gear, and get the results I've always wanted, but just never pushed myself hard enough to get. I ordered Insanity off of Darren's site that day. During the week or so that I was patiently waiting for it to arrive on my doorstep, I saw an infomercial for Insanity on TV, and became even more pumped to start. This was the video I saw, in case you're curious : ).
Insanity Success Story
After ripping open the package, this is what I found. 10 discs, a nutrition/meal plan guide, and an Insanity calendar to mark your progress (and let me tell you, you work HARD for those red 'X's!). Not to mention, you get a free fitness profile on, an online community full of people doing the same program you are doing. The message boards have been a great motivator for me. It's great to talk to other people just like me working just as hard. There is also an entire forum dedicated to before/after pictures, which is quite honestly the single-most motivating factor ever!
So I laminated the calendar, stuck it on the wall, and got straight to the work out. The first day you perform your first 'fit test', which you will complete every two weeks to see your progress. I was kind of embarrassed, not gonna lie! But then I realized that it was the first day, and I had many hours and work outs ahead designed to get me to improve. The next week I discovered exactly why it's called "Insanity". It is HARD. But let me tell you, the results I have seen after just two weeks have been incredible! Every time I try on my jeans they feel looser, and my body just feels 'tighter' altogether. After 10 days!! I've realized that if the work out isn't extreme, the results won't be extreme. And I really, really want extreme results! This thought gets me through the work outs. The work outs are usually 40 minutes long. They are intense, but it's only 40 minutes out of my entire day to push myself to the max. The first week was probably the toughest. My muscles were confused, soar, and PISSED lol. If anyone is reading this and is in week one, my advice is to just PUSH THROUGH, because in about a week you're going to be amazed at how far you've come. So I pushed through it, and am now completely hooked. I often refer to it as both my favorite and least favorite part of the day! But I've become addicted to pushing and challenging myself, to keep on getting these amazing results. I absolutely cannot wait to see what I will look like on day 60.
Day 10 results
After the first week, and realizing that the program really does work, I started doing some research on becoming a Beachbody (makers of Insanity, P90X, etc) Coach. I figured that if this program works as well as it does, might as well tell other people how it has worked for me, and give them the opportunity to get the results they've always wanted as well. And the idea of having a job opportunity in fitness where I could work from home on my own time was quite appealing. So I emailed my coach, Darren, and asked him a few questions. I liked what I heard and signed up a few days later.
So, here I am, about to start my 3d week! If you have any more questions, just shoot me a message. If you're ready to join me and get into the best shape of your life right now, you can purchase Insanity off my Beachbody coach site.
If you truly want to be in the best shape of your life in 60 days, this program can give it to you. It just depends on how bad you want it.
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